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NIJ Standard-0101.06 specifies five levels of ballistic performance for body armor. The first three levels – IIA, II and IIIA – are soft armors. The two remaining levels, III and IV, are hard armor designed to protect officers against rifle threats. The standard threat bullets associated with these five levels are listed below:
Certified: Certified armor refers to armor tested to the NIJ performance standards for body armor.
Full Cut: a square or rectangle cut of hard armor
Hard Armor: Plates, shields and helmets fall under the hard armor category. Available in Level III and Level IV. Hard armor compositions include steel, ceramic, composite and more.
ICW (In Conjunction With): In reference to a hard armor plate that is tested in conjunction with a soft armor solution. In conjunction with armor requires multiple pieces (soft hard and hard armor) to provide protection against the stated threat level.
Multi-Hit: In reference to a hard armor plate that can withstand multiple shots.
Multi-Threat: A soft armor solution that is tested to both ballistic and spike standards.
Shooter’s Cut: a square or rectangle cut of hard armor with the top corners angled to allow the wearer more range of motion.
Soft Armor: Soft armor panels (including ballistic and spike classifications) are composed of fibers. The fibers of the ballistic material disburse the energy from the point of impact over the entire area of the soft armor panel, which absorbs the energy.
Stand-Alone: In reference to a hard armor plate that does not require additional armor to provide protection against the stated threat level.
Special Threat: In reference to a level of protection for specific test round(s) and measurement velocities to be used. Special threat rounds are often more difficult to defeat than the standard NIJ round and are threats commonly found in both domestically and abroad.
Spike: A category of soft amor that provides protection against spike and edge blade instruments. Tested to NIJ standard 0115.00, spike armor is available in Level 1 – 24 joules, Level 2 – 33 joules and Level 3 – 43 joules. The NIJ standard measures a potentially deadly strike by joules.